[SU23] Summer Icebreaker

On a warm, sunny Friday, June 23rd, SFU JN hosted our annual Summer icebreaker! ☀️ It was a fun-filled evening with a Japanese themed “sports day”, packed with excitement, fun interactions, and of course, delicious food. 🍣 🍙

First, we started by making our very own headbands, warmed up with some radio taiso, followed by relay race and tug-of-war! After a short break where everyone was able to interact with other attendees within/outside their team, octopus games and marshmallow games were followed, then lastly, time for food!

As the sun set on a day filled with laughter and friendly competitions, we are happy to share that our annual Summer icebreaker was a big success! Interested in joining us? Stay tuned for our upcoming events & weekly socials at SFU JN’s instagram @sfu_jn !! See you soon. 😊


[SU23] JN Matsuri 2023


[SP23] Spring Picnic 2023