[SP23] Spring Setsubun Icebreaker

February is arriving fast, and what better way to start it off by meeting new people and having fun? 🥳

On February 3rd, we have hosted our first semesterly icebreaker of the 2023 year! 🌱 In honour of Setsubun 👹(a festival in Japan) which landed on the same day, our icebreaker also included Setsubun-themed games, in addition to other fun Japanese-themed games, karaoke, food, and more! 🌿 🎤

One of the highlights of the event included trying out Japanese Yukata & our mini polaroid Photo Booth! 👘 📸

In addition, check out these cute photos of our prize winners! Want to win one of the prizes? Join our future events which will include prizes from our amazing sponsors! 🎁

Thank you everyone who joined us for our Spring 2023 Icebreaker! It was really great to see both familiar and new faces - we hope to see you again for our next event, so stay tuned & connect with us via Instagram and discord! 😊


[SP23] Culture Cafe 2023